I consider myself a good motivational father… I had to throw rocks near them to scare them into thinking bears or moose where close by. When they asked if we could go back or stop, I ignored them or said “I can’t hear you”.

Adventures of a Mountain Man Born too Late...
His father was one of the area’s largest Potato growers along with sugar beets, grain, alfalfa, and sheep. Farming was his way of life. He enjoyed working the ground, getting up at 5am to change water, and the harvest. When he passed away, my dad took over the farm and house. I treasure being raised in the same house and sleeping in the same room as he did as a boy.
He was very well known and respected. All my life wherever we would go, he was stopped by a person that wanted to say hello and talk to him. Everywhere....the mall, restaurants, shopping, and even vacations. He always had a smile and interest in what you were up to in life.
My father wore a hairpiece. Which to this day, some people didn’t know about. He always wore a hat or his hairpiece. I never knew him with a full head of hair. One time he was asked by some young kids about how Indians use to scalp white man. He told them where the Indians grabbed the hair and simulated the stroke of a knife across the top of his head and pulled off his hairpiece… You never saw mouths drop open like that for so long. He had a great sense of humor.
Some of his favorite pastimes in life were horse packing trips, camping, and snowmobiling. He passed that on to me. A lot of my fond memories was spending time in the mountains. Whether a 5 day horse trip, checking on the sheep, or just a ride in the mountains. Many lessons I have learned there taught me about life’s challenges. Some include how my mother wouldn’t allow me to go with him again for my safety. But he managed to sneak me back in the truck somehow.
He was very devoted to his testimony of the Gospel. He took all church callings seriously and would strive to live his life correctly. He was honest and most generous. He would always give you money, fill up your car with gasoline, or even do your chores for you.
When I asked Susan to marry me, we came home to tell my parents. He was out in the summer sun tearing apart an old barn. He stopped what he was doing and was so excited to come give Susan a hug and kiss. His face was all sweaty and dirty, but he didn’t care. It was important to him to support me in the girl that would marry me.
We all have that someone special in our life that is like my father for me. We can all go on and on about that person in our life that really stands out. I am nowhere near the caliber of a father/man as he was. I yearn for the day I can see him again and I know I will. He is my best friend, my example, my hero, and my Father. Thank you for showing ME what’s beyond the trail. I miss and love you dad.
I was raised riding in deep fresh powder in Idaho. At an early age, I grew to enjoy snowmobiling. I started out with a Kitty Kat. It went about 8 mph. I soon graduated to the Kawasaki Drifter. Once I did that, I was able to ride with adults and keep up. I remember several times, telling mom I wasn’t feeling good enough to go to school but quickly sneaking with my father to go for a ride. My father always wanted me to go with him. It was wonderful to grow up and learn the things my father loved to do. Snowmobiling was one of them. We were part of the Ammon Trail Riders snowmobile club. Still today, I have great friendships with those that were part of the club. Snowmobile sooths my soul and gives me another reason to spend time in the mountains where I feel I belong.
Today, my brother and I went with some friends for a ride up above Kelly Canyon ski resort. It was a great day of riding. Deep snow, cold, sunny, and MOOSE! Yes, MOOSE. There are always firsts in life. Well, today, I had one. With all my times spend in mountains and trying to get too close to moose, I finally did it. I was chased by an angry, blood thirsty, killer cow moose. Well, wasn’t that bad, but let’s just say, don’t get between a cow moose and her calf and PRAY yours snowmobile doesn’t break down while trying to escape.